Thank you all for subscribing!!
Hello to everyone who has subscribed! I hope you are doing well this holiday season, I know it has its ups and downs. I am currently working on a full length album but as with many up and coming aspiring artists, I dont exactly have the budget to fulfill the means of a professional music video. Right now on my kick starter is a video i shot of all of my friends who do visual performing with fire and lights. I shot it in about a week and a half with my Canon Rebel T3i. I hope to aquire donations towards a new video which will promote even more of these visual performers and artists, as well as promote my music. Even a dollar is significant, and if your willing to help you can find the video here:
I really appreciate every bit of support from all of you. It is remarkably difficult to establish a form of artist integrity in todays world and globalized culture. If you would like to keep updated about my music then visit my soundcloud:
This is where i post my newest material.
Thank you all for being interested and I hope I continue to be something you enjoy listening to. Kid Fixis out!
Feel free to send me anything that you produce or perform in. I love to hear new underground artists!