9 years ago

Vision Red Loves You!

We would like to thank you for your continued support this year. It means so much to us to have fans like you! You are why we do what we do! We would like to invite you to visit us on a few of our other sites as well. You can see all of our videos taken by fans just like you that were able to attend some of our shows on www.youtube.com/visionredrocksyou stop by and subscribe to our channel! You can follow us on www.twitter.com/VisionRed and we're also on www.facebook.com/visionredrocks and www.reverbnation.com/visionred We look forward to what God has in store for us in 2016. We have been praying that we will be able to hit the studio early around February or March to record some new music. Again we love you and our prayer for you is that God continues to bless you and that you have a great Christmas and an awesome New Year! Keep on rocking for The Rock! Kenny, Marc & Jeff, Vision Red





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