
Large numbers can create large action

The kind of action that moves music forward, I wish to thank all of you for playing and recommending my songs. So far they have reached 3029 subscribers ,1462 people in network, and 5,514,857 plays. Now it would really be appreciated any and all comments left here and on my website on the songs you like and why. Also do the same on Spotify as well as the other music sites. The songs are only $1.00 each so making a purchase would also move things forward. You can do so on my website: eltonhendrix.com or any of the other sites where purchases can be made. It is clear comments, streams, and purchases move things forward but it must be done on the other music sites including my website. As these actions are added up then Spotify and others begin to move the music forward where it gets more attention and listeners. Thanks again for your promotions in advance and remember to visit my website at eltonhendrix.





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