Timeless Satisfaction
I would like to put a name on our community I want to call us (Been Rich Nation) this is not speaking about money solely. I mean the fact that if you are reading this you are rich in Life your alive, we`re rich in family we all as a community I look at you all as family. Rich in the positivity and healthy criticism to help me be able to give you all better music & more vibes. and so much more, Take a moment and ask your self what am and do I feel rich in. So (Been Rich Nation) ill be using that phrase more often in my videos. Timeless satisfaction is a tape really speaking on the realities of 2020. We were faced with so many challenges as a Nation. But we are all still here standing and wanting to fight for life wanting to not fold and crumble because thats what winners and leaders do. In the tape I went from a sense of feeling like I had no real security. Finding what I thought was love, and then Having love walk away because of their selfish desires. theres a phrase people always want to have their cake and eat it to lol. dead asf so Thats story is in the music. having a million dollar dream when covid gave us all that time to sit down and really see ourself. and ultimately triumphing but still having to live everyday out still until the finish. I really appreciate all of your feed back if it weren't for you all I`d be doing I don't know what so Thank you. I hope you all have a blessed weekend and great start of the week. Sincerely Dixon