Zeentech DJ
9 years ago

Thank You & FREE / Discounted Copy Of My Debut Album Beatin Myself Up

This is Zeentech DJ but...you guys can call me Zeen ;-) . Thanks for following me and for all your support. For the people who was enjoying Rain Of Luv and Memories Of San Antonio, I want to apologize for taking down these two songs from Number One Music. The reason is, I started to actually promo my debut album called Beatin Myself Up...COMING NEXT YEAR!!!! I have decided that the first single is gonna be R U Ready which is already in Number One Music. Hope you luv it!!!! I also wanna thank for all you people in Canada who supported me with Rain Of Luv which in two different charts for Canada, got to #1. As for now I can tell you that Memories Of San Antonio (#6) will be in the album as well Rain Of Luv (#10). Later on after the release of my album next year (2016), I do have plans to release as singles Memories Of San Antonio and Rain Of Luv, but for now R U Ready is the first single and hope you guys love it!!!! Next track I'll be releasing is 2 Many Fake Cats (Rap Choir)...WUT?! yes, you heard right!!!! This one is Kinda like Electro Pop with a touch of Dance in the music, in the vocal, yes as the name says it is Rap...WITH MALE CHURCH CHOIR!!!! Also, starting next Monday, I will be running promotion for short period of time for my album called Beat Myself Up. I'll be giving 100 copies FREE!!!! Now I know I know, I bet you're asking yourself right now who I can Get a free copy of the album? I'll let you know in a moment but first, I wanna let you know that later on after the release of my album there will be a limited edition called Beatin Myself Up Zazkymo Edition which will be available ONLY FOR 2 WEEKS!!!! More of it later on after the release of my album which is next year (not sure exactly when I still have to work on the cover picture and some pictures that will come with the album). For now, here is how you can get one of the 100 free copies next year when I release the album. 1 Those 100 people (first one to send me an email) telling me they have send me 4 people each one of the 100 people. 2 Each one of the four people will need to end me an email saying they were recommended to me and tell me the name of the username who recommended me to them. This is ONLY for the FIRST 100 people. The four people per each of the 100 will be getting the album at a discounted price and each one person from the 100 will get the album FREE plus will be having a surprise gift send with the album as part of my thank you for supporting me and helping me expand my music to more people ;-) Remember,this offer will start on Monday December 2015 14 at 12:01 am and will end on Sunday December 27 2015 at 12:00 am. For more information please send and email to beatinmyselfup@gmail.com

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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