About Zeentech DJ
Since I was kid, back in Mexico, I always loved music but was not yet my passion. I had two or three favorite female singers. One time, my parents took my brother and I to see a play, before the play a girl went on stage to perform (sing) but after a little while the guy in charge got her off stage cause no one was listening to her. The guy asked if a kid or any one from the audience would like to go on stage and perform, I got off my seat and ran down towards the stage, my parents tried to stop me but it was too late, I practically was on stage already. Once up there, I started to sing a famous Mexican Christmas Carol and encouraged people to clap and sing along, everybody stopped talking or whatever they were doing to pay attention to me and started to clap and sing along with me (unlike the girl that no one was paying attention to). Time passed by and at the age of around sixteen I moved to Monterrey city where I live for approximately four months and then I moved to Toronto, Canada.
After we arrived in Toronto I started to become more and more curious and more interested in music. My dad bought me a music software (that unfortunately I lost and can't remember the name). There was a music recording studio called 199 Studios close to where I had the opportunity to take lessons to learn Reason 2.5. After learning Reason, I started researching online and in stores everything about music production and DJ. I attended college part time once a week in the Recording Arts program, I learned Adobe Audition and Magix Music Maker which I have used since to compose original tracks which I am now starting to promote.
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